Write for IdeaBuddy

Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, or a freelancer looking to get some writing exposure and share your experiences with a wider audience? Then, you’re in the right place.



The aim of our blog is to educate, share experiences, and give that little push to the aspiring entrepreneurs to take the first step towards realizing their dreams.

Here are the general guidelines:

  • Ideal story length is 800-1200 words
  • Your article shouldn’t be published anywhere else (including your own blog)
  • Check the grammar before sending us the article for review
  • All images included in the article must be your own or with all the necessary information about copyrights
  • Any references included in the article should be relevant and provide additional information about the given topic
  • We reserve the right to reject any article that doesn’t meet our guidelines or fit with our audience profile

Topics we cover

Our blog serves as a learning hub for budding entrepreneurs, startups or anyone who wants to start and run their own business.

We cover topics related to:

  • Startups (startup journey, advice for an early-stage startup)
  • Business ideas (lists of inspirational ideas, or ideas for specific types of people)
  • Business guides (steps required to start a specific business)
  • Business models (explaining how different business model work)
  • Business planning (everything related to it)
  • Market analysis (how to analyze competitors, target customers, etc.)
  • Small businesses tips
  • Growth hacking techniques
  • Before sending us your topic ideas, we recommend looking over our blog and checking whether we already wrote about the topics you’ve had in mind.

Terms of use

We don’t pay for publishing your article

We will remove articles that are not genuine or published somewhere else

If an article is published on our website, it is then owned by us and you cannot re-publish it without our prior written approval

Contact us

If you want to write for us, please take a look at our guidelines and terms of use, and if you are fine with it, please complete the form below.

IdeaBuddy - Bring your business idea to life | Product Hunt