Our Brand New One-Page Business Plan Is Finally Out!

So, you know you’re onto something big, but your idea is still only a fuzzy concept that needs to be brushed up?

Introducing Idea Plan

Idea Plan is a one-page plan (business canvas) that will help you collect your thoughts, design a business model, and structure your idea — all before getting further into the details.

It brings a fresh perspective compared to other one page plans like Business Model Canvas or Lean Canvas, as you’ll be able to assess all internal and external factors, which can make or break your business model.

Read this article to find out more about one-page plans and why a plan like this might be the perfect starting point for your future business.
idea plan detail
Idea Plan – detail

How do I use it?

It’s easy as 1-2-3:

  • Select a block where you want to start, and begin posting your ideas as notes
  • Use different colors for notes you can signify different categories of information
  • When you have completed the entire Idea Plan, you can share it with others or you can export it as a PDF or Word file

Sign up for free and start your planning today!


IdeaBuddy is a handy business planning software that guides hopeful entrepreneurs like yourself every step of the way. It’ll show you what to write, where to write it, and how to make it better. Then, it’ll take your idea and generate an investor-ready business plan. It’s pretty simple, really. 


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